Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The way this all started was during quarantine... I (Vernan Allen) started this charity to feed the truckers. They are the reason we have what we have to sustain our daily living. We wanted to give back, from there organization grew into helping families in need that were impacted by the pandemic. Now we are focusing on giving back to the community. We are always looking for donations to assist with helping out the community.


This group was organized to help others in a time of disaster, emergency, crisis or time of need by Texans that believe in making and leaving this world a better place. We believe in GOD . the American Constitution and Texas Constitution. We say the Pledge of Allegiance and we pray daily. We believe that by helping others it will make an impression on not only the ones being helped but by those involved in helping and by others that see people are willing to help their fellow man. We hope to change the way people feel about helping others around them. We ask for no notoriety or recognition for what we do. All we hope and pray for is that people "PAY IT FORWARD" one and help others in need. Together we can make the world a better place. GOD BLESS TEXAS AND GOD BLESS AMERICA
